Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Only Because..

Literally My Blood (multiple needle pricks), sweat (hot apartment) and tears (reference blood) went into the production of this garment am I publishing first shots of my statement jacket before it's debut tomorrow at Marc's Show.

4 days in the making, I don't suggest ever attempting a leather lapel, let alone the sleeves I constructed (24 pattern pieces each, 48 in total).

Here he is... The bad guys from the original Christopher Reeves Superman movie don't have anything on me!

From this...

To this...

Wait until you see the final look!

Finally a little sleep! Oh wait... still need to make the bag....pout!

P.S. Made of 7 Lamb Skins (Sorry PETA), Silk Satin Lining and some shimmery thready fabric I had laying around.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fashion Week Part One

Woof... I had made a pact with myself that in the weeks leading up to fashion week I would conserve funds, time and energy to work on my ensemble for the Marc shows. Well it's been 3 weeks with no day off and about a week and a half of going out every night. First it was Grainne's short but sweet visit home which included nights of fondue at the Bourgeoise Pig and belting out show tunes ate Maries Crisis. I got to hang out with her everyday she was back in NYC and wouldn't have traded it for the world. Then it was pre-fashion week parties all over town including Atelier (lots of beautiful fashion vampires), Number Nine's farewell party and of course Fashion's Night Out. But don't let me fool you, I'm not that cool, I was a Plus 1 to all of them.

So now we are just days from the Marc shows and my garments are still in muslin pieces pinned to my dress-form.

It's go time, So my plan is to get up early, hit up Belraf Fabrics in my neighborhood, buy all my final fabrics, head to work, work until 8, come home and knock it all out. One statement jacket and bag shouldn't take all night.... maybe.

I'm so tired, but the city's energy keeps me going.

Updates to to follow.

I love New York, I love Fashion Week.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Revisions Revisions

Re-working the sleeve-folds, I like them better matching the angle of the lapel.

Just under 2 weeks to go.

Im thinking leather.

Sneak Peek

Now I normally don't show off what I'm working on before its finished and already made it's debut, but I'm really excited for this piece. This is just a rough muslin, the basic shape, still have lots of design details to work out. Hopefully I'll be wearing it to Marc's Collection Show.

The final fabrics, embellishments and trim are yet to be decided upon, and since September is going to be particularly busy for me, all the fabric shopping has to be done early before work and all the designing, cutting, and sewing are done at night.

Happy September, Happy Fashion Week.
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